Risk Management
Identify & Control Risk
within your hospitality organisation, tourism operation, planning community event and concert, or any other business activity, will reduce the likelihood of harm occurring from the weakness. Your workers, customers and business is then less-likely to be effected by an adverse event. Good planning prevents poor performance… We can help you identify hazards and establish controls to mitigate the risk of harm to your business.
Workplace Health & Safety Auditing
Monitor & Implement
Any safety system relies on buy-in from leaders and workers alike for it to be affective. Whether it be an in-house company safety system that needs monitoring or a new system you want to audit for its effectiveness, we can assist. With over 20 years in health & safety for multiple industries BaliSafe specialists can help with design, implementation and monitoring of your safety management systems.
Incident & Event Management
Cause & Effect = Opportunity
Opportunity: A negative event can be seen as a positve improvement for the organisation when you use an affective analysis tool to identify people, system and environmental causal factors that influenced the outcome.
"Maximum growth occurs at the border of support and challnge". Dr. John Demartini.
BaliSafe are trained incident management professionals that can help your organisation identify these oportunities for improvement and prevent likelihood of the occurrence repeating.
Workplace Safety Inspections
Monitor & Improve
To compliment your safety management system its important to look at the “environment” in which your system operates in. Most importantly workplace safety inspections keep your employees and customers safe. A scheduled inspection program identifies hazards within the workplace and formalises the approach to mitigating risk controls on these specific hazards. An inspection program assists responsible department managers in managing compliance and safety within their area. BaliSafe can design an inspection program that suits your unique business safety risk profile.
Behavioural Based Safety
Inspiring Our People
The decision of an individual at any moment is based on personal and external influences. Leaders and workers setting the example and supporting each other creates a safer work place. Implementing a work place safety program that focusess on influencing the right behaviours not only ensures the system is working but inspires the people that operate within it to be self-actuated and inspired leaders at all levels of the organisation.
Leadership in Safety Coaching
“Exemplification is the greatest teacher” Albert Einstien..
The culture in the work crew is directly proportionate to the leader. Directors, managers, supervisors and even crew member leaders influence the beliefs of the worker. If a leader doesn't believe, the worker doesn't believe, because actions demonstrate internal beliefs. It is unachievable to expect a safety system to give a positive result when it's not leader lead. The system will keep failing until there is consistent leadership demonstration. It’s of the utmost importance that an authentic belief in the safety vision of the organisation flows top down so that all workers believe what you believe. This results in a self-actuated and inspired workforce at all levels. So how do you implement this consistently into your organisation? BaliSafe look at the organisations Values and demonstrated behaviours. We link employees Values by reflecting on the “why”. It’s important to the individual to perform their role safely. We inspire internal conversations of “I choose to do the right thing today”...
Safety Management Plans & Procedures
Planning Routine & Non-Routine Tasks
Having a strategy or plan that brings the “What”, the “When” and the “How” together into one plan is a critical step in designing and implementing safety management into your business successfully. This applies to the business safety approach as a whole, or just putting into place processes on how to perform a job or task safely. So what are your “routine and non-routine” jobs or tasks in your business. Non-routine activities are infrequent activities that propose a risk of harm due to the nature of the task causing change to workplace conditions. Like routine tasks, non-routine tasks require a risk-based task-based approach with more emphasis on the risk. BaliSafe can help your business develop plans and procedures for routine and non-routine activities, train your staff and develop an assurance program to maintain procedure accuracy.